Friday, January 13, 2012

The Rules!

So how do I win?
Well, we all win right?  Healthier?  Better life?       Yeah, I know.

How do I win the Competition* meaning bragging rights, t-shirt, and our little prize.

You earn the most points.  You earn points for lots of things!  But namely, 7:

1.   Drinking 64 oz. of fluid a day (Not sugary drinks.)
2.   Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner.
3.   Not eating after 9pm.
4.   Having 2 servings of fruit a day (a serving is about a 1/2 cup)
5.   Having 3 servings of vegetables a day.
       *** Remember that serving of or veggies can be tons of things!-  a glass of fruit juice! , a glass of 
       V8, ½ c. of fresh fruit,  ¼ c. dried fruit, veggies on a sandwich!  (An awesome site for this is:
6.   Not eating sweets/sugary treats 
      *Only 6 days a week- we all need a day off!
7.   Exercising 30 or 45 minutes a day  
      *Only 5 days a week, you can do more if you want, but only 5 days will count for points. :)
8.   Contacting someone else in the challenge and giving encouragement.

You can download or print of the challenge HERE.

The Google doc (when you click on the link above) has
- A table/chart for counting your points 
- More details and explanation of the rules, if you have questions.
- A food log, if it helps you, but it's not part of the rules.

If you need some more motivation, here is an awesome YouTube video I ran into recently.


Let's Get Moving!

Alright guys, I don't know about you, but post-London and the holidays I have entered a happy, plump, and slightly pumpkin state.

....mmmmm....pumpkin.......    moving on.

I have a few friends that have been doing health challenges with their girlfriends (as in just a group of girls...friends....anyway) lately. My cousin Mariel did a big one that I remember a couple years ago that was a big success (See the rules and the blog for the competition as well), she featured it on her blog that's been shown on tv a few times.  The Adamson sisters also (as in President Adamson’s daughters) had a pretty cool challenge that they featured on their successful blog.
These were my two favorite examples and the Adamson’s challenge seemed the most complete, but was a lot about #s and weight loss, so I combined the two and replaced some things, so it’s more about being active and healthy (And not all about weight loss.)

Tell me what you think and if you are wanting to participate.  I will make screen-print a stylish t-shirt for the winner (we can vote on the design) and as a group we will all pitch in a dollar or two to have "prize" at the end for the winner.  I’ll invite you to the google doc, in case you want to make changes/suggestions or edit too.

The prizes + competition + support should be much better motivation than trying to convince ourselves to workout, especially when there's snow outside for some of us... groan...

- Sarah